Avengers fanfiction tony hides his pain

Avengers fanfiction tony hides his pain. To let out the self-hatred and disappointment of not being good enough for others that have followed him since he was born. "And I agree. His head was throbbing and nose felt like it was been stuffed with cotton. That's nice Maria. Steve chuckled in understanding and Thor joined the all out laugh fest with Clint. But he doesn't. Zukov. They make sure he's well. It was also written for a prompt on the kinkmeme. Before he could recover Tony found himself being picked up, placed on Gibbs’ hip and carried to the autopsy table while Gibbs was removing his shoes at the In the third hour Steve seems to start to come back to the present and notices Tony sitting next to his bed, Stark IPad in hand and something large and warm was positioned behind his back. "Reactor?" Clearly if the man is that much sass, he can think for himself. Wow. " "I can't decide whether to yell at you or thank you. You'll give yourself away soon. But it never stopped Tony from feeling grateful. His stomach was a trembling mass of muscles beneath Tony shook his head and headed to the door. He saw his mentor, father figure, hero. Tony felt that it was time to redecorate, maybe He covered his mouth with his hand for a moment, looking away from me, before turning back and pulling me to him. Tony squirmed underneath the covers, but didn't make any move to close his mouth. He rested his face in Peter's hair, and stroked his hand along his back, attempting to comfort the The fall of SHIELD was a disaster for the agents. "Jesus. "Yeah, maybe you are. Stark. Hearing that sound from this obviously very vulnerable and traumatized teenage boy broke Steve heart, especially knowing Peter is usually so full of joy and sometimes too much And of course, when Phil Coulson stepped into his tower with that benign smile of his and the file of the Avengers in his hands, Tony repressed the urge to smash his face into the nearest glass surface. As he swung in that direction, it seemed that the pain in his leg only got worsebut he had to get to Mr. The man was his own personal nightlight. You have a mission to complete. Steve tried to hide a wince but his body reacted before he could stop it and the battered muscles in his shoulder twitched beneath Tony's hand. I wrapped my arm around him. Tony knelt beside Ned, who looked like a mix between star Tony puts his phone away and twists around to face Steve, his dark eyes searching the soldier's face, skimming the gouge across his shoulder and the scorched and bloody hole in his combat suit that is probably covering a scorched and bloody hole in his chest, and Steve feels himself wanting to sink right into the leather under the sudden and author's note: This takes place sometime during the phase of "The Three SHIELD-keteers" when Coulson and Barton slowly but surely grow closer. " Tony stared making his way to where the main power was. Needing to work off his confusion and anger from last night. " Natasha woke Loki after Tony finished his coffee. When Natasha finds him, she confronts him about his reckless behavior and Before Afghanistan Tony was in a relationship with Stephen Strange. Satisfied his secret is safe, Barton's shoulders resume their bowed position From the age of two, Peter has always been in the clutches of Hydra. I set it off. " Tony kept one hand on his hair, "they-they shot me-" he screamed unexpectedly, his hands scrunching into fists. What now, genius? Tony opened and closed his hands The team knows Tony—he is a selfish, impulsive, playboy that doesn't work well with others. "Uh-huh. "Damn it Steve. Others red and raw and fresh, sending a sharp sting of pain through his body with every movement. Of watching his mother struggle to keep the family together. " Maria said as she looked over to Howard, who was standing at his desk, flicking his head between maps. "Bullet would is closed, Tony. She gave him a folder her gloves not being affected but as soon as the folder was in his hand Tony yelled and his eyes widened flashing with pain. " Tony nodded as he never had a child and already thought of the boy as his son. There are few things worse than having to see your child in pain. Tony stretched his arm in a big circular motion, "Good as new. "Whoa. Honestly, the ones towards the end are better because my writing style changed a LOT so if you're gonna start, start from there! He had expected Tony to relax at the touch of the friendly fingers but instead, he lashed out, a blinding pain in his jaw and flat surface under his butt alerting Steve to the fact that Stark could still do damage without his suit. The child is biologically his and the other parent. Baby Tony babbled and gurgled, drooling over the toy. "Fuck you Something poked him in his arm, barely noticeable in comparison to all the pain emitting from the rest of his body. Clint's head immediately burrowed itself deep in Steve's shoulder, where he muffled a cry of pain. He has no problems trusting Tony with his life and if that means trusting Tony to get the shield, which he had very stupidly left with him before, to Steve in a dangerous situation then he wasn't even worried about it. So. Featured post Gender After the designated stretch of time, Steve said that he could probably sleep the pain off if Tony unhooked the meds, as they weren't helping anything but contribute to a steady state of drowsiness, so Tony extracted the IV, slipped a pillow under Steve's slumbering head, and collapsed into a chair after he removed his armor. "I will be fine, Its up to Alpha!Tony to show the newest member of their family that hiding from the pain doesn't mean they are weak, that asking for help is always okay, and that Loki isn't Movies Avengers. "Tony, stay still," Steve ordered, his voice a bellow and Tony winced as the pain arced through his head. Enjoying the older man take control of the kiss Tony found himself moaning embarrassingly There was a resounding crack and the blond swordsman gave a horrible, almost sobbing groan of pain as he was thrown into the wall. When he had been put on guard duty Clint wondered what he had done wrong to deserve it. Well less hiding more trying to avoid everyone after coming back from a 2 week long trip to help with Sokovia's cleanup. He needed to feel something other than the pain in his stomach that was slowly crescendoing in intensity. I doubt Loki is going to want to see Thor anytime soon. Tony Stark. Bucky had learned to hide the pain of being the eldest sibling, the older brother to three sisters, comforting them while watching their father battle with shell shock after World War I. They are on the edge of their seats. No one knows about the Cyborg named Tony Stark hiding inside the armor. He grunts in pain as he stands and turns toward everyone else. Peter quickly selected to hide his information, sending When Loki zaps the Avengers and Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD to a room where they have to watch 3 movies about Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, the most they expect is some trademark arrogant Stark and multiple girls, not the terrible whirlwind of pain that is Tony's life. When he got hurt, he was not supposed to cry. " Tony Stark tells him. The teenager groaned in response as waves of pain shot through his head. The captain was also worried about the amount of blood the archer was losing. But a miracle in disguise for Tony/The continuation of 'Or Two Of The Kids Will Turn Into A Sobbing Mess'/Part 11 of 'Tony Stark Adopted Ghost-Sensitive Kids' series/PART 11 COMPLETE/PLEASE READ THE PREVIOUS STORY ON MY PROFILE Tony sunk into unconsciousness. You can meet him at-" "It's fine. But then he'd knocked over a can filled with metal tools, sending it clattering to the ground. "Are we dead?" he asks. His cries were becoming worse, so Bruce tried to calm him, "Shh, Tony, Tony, you're in New York, in the Tower, you're safe, shhh, Tony," he rambled on. This includes fics where he's an intern. "I assure you, all previous intentions are far behind us, Mr. He was oblivious to his surroundings, still concerned about a specific redhead. His friend wasn't attacking him. "Ugh deal!" Tony whined shaking on it. "Can we stop doing that?" The silence envelops them again following his frustrated words. " Tony shut down the medic, yet still, the guy nervously pressed on. The Stones glowed brightly, Peter now shouting even louder. Tony gets up too. " Tony says, his voice cracking. Halloween Fanfic; Polyamory; Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers; Demons; Demonic Possession; Blood and Gore; Horror; Its up to Alpha!Tony to show the newest member of their family that hiding from the pain doesn't mean they are weak, that asking for help is always okay, and that Loki isn't broken, they're just hurt, and Alpha!Tony is ready Tony continued to struggle and gasp, his breathing edging toward hyperventilation as he began to claw at the steady blue light shining through hi T-shirt. They met eyes; or, rather, Tony met Emotionally Hurt Tony. He turned to Natasha and made a But Natasha smiles at the shocked look on Kate's face when Clint admits that Tony sold Avengers Tower. " Tears finally spilling. He saw his scared face trying to mask the fear. Note: Or this fanfic is what I fondly call as The fanfic I had written four months after I had gotten the idea. I'm feeling your murder vibes all over again. He was in a hospital, and it was late, if the low lighting was anything to go by. In this way more months pass and before either of them know it, Jamie has been living there a year. Tony was about a year old, and was sitting in his mother's lap, chewing on a teething ring. Something was seriously up, he had his suspicions before but this was just hitting him in his face. Rolling his eyes, Tony huffed out a sharp breath and twisted the cap off the bottle, taking two large gulps as quickly as he could, trying not to let the liquid touch his tongue. Tony groaned. Feel better. They sat there for a minute or two before Bruce came in looking for his fellow Avengers. Set after the Avengers. Ned's brain switched into panic mode. But no, he thought all wrong. His bloodied fingers reached out and gently cupped Stark's bloodied cheek. For Steve to take his mind off his newly complex "relationship" with Tony HammerTime By: JollyHippopotamus. Rated M for violence. The overwhelming need to curl into a ball and let all the pain out. "Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Y give me scans of the base" Tony Stark asked his A. No matter how much of himself he had to hide, Tony couldn't quite regret that. Every now and then the alien closed his eyes and grabbed his stomach more forcefully while his other hand clutched his pants, trying to get free of the pain. He sat down next to him and pulled his own plate towards himself and started eating as Tony practically inhaled his plate after the first bite. " Tony gave him over to his medics and stood there outside the hospital, noticing all the little snaps of pictures being taken from all around him. Tony was part of the team. Tony stopped his pursuit. The Avengers gave them room to work, even though they wanted more than anything to jump right back into the fray. "No, Tony", Bruce shook his head, dropping both arms to his side in defeat, all anger suddenly draining from him, leaving only the concern and misery in the warm brown eyes that Tony didn't know how to deal with. Your heat will begin soon, and you'll need your strength. I didn't know!" "I think I have something that might work. Tony clutches the arm rests of his chair, his nails digging into the soft leather. Tony couldn't help but wrap his arms around the boy and pull him closer. " "No can do, lover-boy. I love you. He spun the glass of scotch resting on the arm of the couch, the same deep red as the blood smeared on the ground. Sadly because of his popularity, he has to hide away from the paparazzi and fans, finding himself secluded cafes where he could feel like a casual citizen in. " He held Clint closer, trying to stay calm for him. Bruce came in and told Thor that Steve probably had enough ice and the refrigerator was running out. Steve was the team leader. So he hides his face and clings to the person like it like his lifeline. Blood had run down from his scalp to dry in streaks across his face. A/N: The upcoming Captain America 3 has really sparked me to write a fluffy family fic, I can't wait to see how the MCU handles Civil War with so little characters compared to the comics~ Anyway, this is my first ever fanfiction, so I apologise if it's not too great compared to the other amazing stories out there, but please review and give Tony seemed to contemplate this, and slowly began to open his mouth. Kill the Avengers. For three months. An SI/OC takes over Justin Hammer, two years before the events of Iron Man. He lay there gasping in pain. Maybe both. After a few minutes of checks, double checks, and Clint's careful self-control, the mystery pain ebbed away. "Deal?" Bucky held out his hand. Bruce didn't even know that they weren't his real grin until he had been at the Stark tower for a month. Clint almost let his arrow go at the loud crack, but he knew if he gave his position away too soon Tony would be harmed in the chaos. I'm going to insert something about Tony finding the Avengers Fanfiction. Granted, the actual fantasy holiday happened four nights prior. Peter is now clenching his eyes tightly, terrified of what he might see. Tony still winced and whimpered, but after about an hour, it was throbbing less. Tony nods and then is distracted by something in an earpiece, he winces and Steve notices, "What is it Tony?" "Fury knows, and Secretary Ross. The arc Pulse racing, Tony turned around, only to see Peter—stupid, stubborn, caring, always willing to please Peter—clutching his stomach in pain. With a growl, Loki batted her away, but not before the knife nicked a little, silver pendant on his neck. The teenager only shifts his face even deeper into the pillows and sheets, covered with disgusting wounds and scars, tears freely falling now. With that, Tony walks toward the Quinjet ignoring the tears spilling on his face. Works; Bookmarks; This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. " He murmured. Steve placed a hand on Tony's back when he started to tip over. Suddenly, Tony glowed and every wound disappeared. The nurse Arthur Tony rolled his eyes once again and grabbed the empty glass from in front of Bucky's setting and poured half his drink into it, before starting to eat. To protect himself, to protect Tony, the suit had to die. For a few moments, Tony wondered whether he had imagined all, if it had been a dream. After a failed mission Natasha puts herself through rigorous training. Tony was the last thing he saw. His parents sold him off to them. Tony hides away to his boyfriend turns up and finds out what happened and starts to get over protective. With every present, Tony felt his hope grow. "I didn't want this. " Hammer sang and Tony visibly flinched back at the use of his full name. The guilt still makes itself known, but Tony pushes it to the back of his mind. Spider Bite. ] - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,622 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 114 - Updated: 12/25/2019 - Tony disappears after Steve gets Defensive with Tony and leaves him broken and beaten as he goes off to save his friend Bucky who had just been renounced as alive. Tony woke up surrounded by his friends. "No! Not at all, that's ridiculous. Tony woke up to pain in his chest, shrapnel in his heart, and rage in his mind. And then suddenly Tony is waterboarded. "The pain's fading away. Tony swallowed audibly, scrambling a shaking hand up Rhodey's shirt and tightening his grip on his best friend's shoulder to allow himself to get up properly. Tony hadn't noticed it before, and right when he was going to ask a question about it, it lit Avengers Tower, 2016. I absolutely love you so much. Immediately Tony flinched and squirmed in pain. Hospital was really a pain in the ass. He sat there for just long enough for his brain to fully wake up, then threw off the sheets and sprang to his feet in one easy motion. The Avengers watch as Tony wakes up vovered in sweat and grime, with a car battery attached to his chest, and hear Yinsen tell them about the shrapnel headed for his heart. "Mr. "But I'm afraid it may hurt you, Peter. " Bruce used his thumb to smooth out the tight muscles and tried to use a light touch. Especially not with a snarky, ridiculous archer Some starting to heal. Tony appeared in his lab, the Quantum Suit vanishing moments after his arrival back in the past. A half hour later a Movies Avengers. Its now dark eyes stared at him. Loki was stoic, doing his best to hide his pain when his foot contacted the bed and staying quiet as Bruce checked his vitals and did a very quick exam for any serious damage Tony had failed to mention, but his wide eyes (wow they were green, no trace of blue whatsoever, maybe he really had been mind controlled) and pounding pulse spoke But he didn't care anymore. It took him countless yells, sometimes to the point of including punches and slaps, and death grips on his arms, with the smell of alcohol in Howard's breath suffocating him in the meantime. with a lack of scruples, an Tony sat silently, letting tears leak down his face. "Fuck you," Tony slammed the helmet down on the edge of a table. "He's sixteen?" Everyone shouted. I'd love it if the person/one No-one replied; his AI knew better. He used Tony to pull himself upright and staggered back against the wall, leaving a blood smear on the white wall when he shifted. Tony narrowed his eyes more and shifted uneasily, before he rolled his eyes hard enough that Clint was surprised But his complicated history of masking his pain began long before his capture. Tony looked from Steve to Bruce and back again and sighed in defeat. But the soldier didn't hear him and cruelly threw the billionaire to crash harshly against the wall beside Hawkeye. Tony wreched again, not noticing Steve's presence. Thanks Jarvis. " Tony ignored Bruce, "Buddy you need to go back to our room," Tony said. In seconds he was on the same for as the rest of the Avengers and on his way to the living room. When Tony collapsed, Steve dropped the reactor housing, sidestepped his gasping teammates, scooped Tony's body up in his arms, and sprinted for the elevator. He should've read the goddamned file. Learning every single one of them trying to remember each who, when, and where it was on his body. YES! I did get permission to use darke wulf's story- now do yourself a favor, and go read it NOW! :) (P. "That really hurts," Steve hisses and jerks at the pressure. Follow/Fav 01 No-One But You (Only The Good Die Young) By: starkyoukai. He had severe pain in his right ulna, indicating a fracture of some kind, possibly a complete break if he was unlucky Yet, Tony still wanted to spare her the pain of hurting him, so for some ridiculous reason, he forced his reaction down, keeping himself neutral at least until she left. The other Avengers looked at James "Bucky" Barnes wondered what his life had come to when he found himself once again hiding out in a teenager's lab to get away from his so called best friend and his sycophant followers. "You know we play hide and seek. "Why did Tony Stark hide you from the world?" "Who are you to Iron Man?" "How did you know Iron Man?" "Why did Tony Stark choose you as his successor?" "Do the Avengers know about you?" "Peter, Peter, come on! Kid, we need to go," Rhodey's The man arched his brow with a sly smile curling at his lips, "A pleasure, have I met you before?" He asked, feigning surprise while Natasha said nothing, eyes cold. He feels how he is being picked up and carried away Tony whined, clutching his heart like Bucky had wounded him. He got out of his bed and immediately started to work on his homework. Tony scrambled away, then came to his senses. Loki was blue and not like nauseous looking but actually blue and those leaky eyes It's only when the team discovers that Tony is hiding something—someone, that it becomes clear they actually don't know Tony at all. " Tony got there before anyone else did though Thor was in a hot second later. " Guilt pulled at his conscience. "I hide," Violet whispered and as she saw Tony she had a smirk and added a few raw pieces of Without a flicker of emotion Tony had returned the fire. Not to forget the burning sensation in his throat that matched the pain in his chest. Mocking him. "It's my turn to choose the movie!" "No. "Why are you surprised? You knew!" Steve shouted. A few minutes after the laughing died out Tony came back in the room and sat in his seat smirking as Bruce pouted back to his seat. So, I want some fics where Peter hides his identity from Tony and the Avengers, especially with identity shenanigans. Maybe I'm getting better" He kept his eyes closed. "Mister Parker turned sixteen two weeks ago, on a Thursday. "No, Tony, you're fine, it's okay, it's here see?" On the seventh day, Thor smashes through one of the workshop's walls with his hammer. " Peter growls. Tony, Dummy, You and Jarvis all knew the story behind the man that raised Tony while his parents were busy. " She stated with an icy smile, the man giving a curt nod before his eyes slid to Tony who was still frowning. His brain is fried and his patience was non-existent 7 hours and 59 minutes ago. " Peter said In another universe, Peter Parker is made the sole successor of Stark Industries, but only after losing everything and everyone that mattered. He had his dad. There is little space between Clint and Tony, but enough not to touch the man as Clint stands up abruptly. I've been doing this far longer than you. "Afternoon," Tony says blankly, before his mind can adjust to this new development. He was safe. She arrived in the living room with the rest of the avengers slightly in front. "Tony!" Steve called over his shoulder, Tony rolling his head before giving a ratherpromising wink. Tony takes his thumb and presses into Steve's lower right abdomen. around the same time they switch to first name basis (It's obviously not really necessary to read that fic, but you should). Tony used it to his advantage and didn't stop punching until Megaton's eyes rolled to the back of his head. Late Morning. His breath stuck in his chest, yell frozen before he could make a sound as Peter hit a nearby apartment building with a shout of pain and a sickening crack. Life was great in that moment. Now 16 years old he is given a mission. She'll tell Tony later. MCU AU, mix of X-Men and MCU. Out in the hall nurses hurried past, their quick steps clicking soft against the tile floor but it seemed not so much far away as in a different world all together, the same way the bustle of the street seemed disconnected from the Men shouting in languages. Tony laughed softly at the youngest Avengers antics, and activated his boosters, to hover a little over the ground. Nat hid her injuries from everyone, especially when they joined the Avengers. Stark, I-" Travis was cut of by a painful blow to the throat. He pictured the look on Bruce's face when he first saw the jungle of scars and cuts. Tony shifted uncomfortably, and Bruce decided to drop the subject entirely. He flinched as Tony took a step closer. Pepper was right. You got to get me out of here!" I told him, not even trying to hide the panic that had crept back into my mind as the sudden pressure of water, and what Clint was obviously trying to hide his pain, but Steve could easily tell his friend was suffering. Stark's chest, much to Tony's surprise. "Don't worry! Pt. "Do I get a say in this at all?" Clint piped up a little breathless, feeling the aftereffects of the long fight and from crashing into the building's window. " Tony spluttered on his water, and was unable to stop Friday. Instead, he smirked, and snarked at him, all the while masking his rage and insecurities, hiding behind a grinning mask. The medical team is here. She couldn't see any physical injuries on him as she looked him over, assessing him. "Apparently there was a foil in place. The pain in them is so like my own, that I would have lost my footing if you weren't holding me. "BRUCE!" Tony yelled into the living room of the tower as soon as they stepped in from the balcony. Forcing his breathing to calm Tony straightened out on the couch, taking a Severely injured after a patrol, Peter Parker sneaks into Avengers Tower to tend to his wounds. That was how Tony came to host his team, and how they came very quickly, to be a family. " "Tones-" "Please Rhodey," Tony It was the first time Clint had spoken. net due to Cloudflare. Tony watched, almost as if everything was playing over in slow motion, as Peter flew through the air. Steve Rogers was in the kitchen and Tony Stark was nowhere to be found. Where are you? You can't hide forever. Tony closed his own eyes. Then Loki escapes, his plan not finished like the Avengers first thought. " Tony growled, scooping the super soldier into his arms. The metallic tastes makes him gag, and Peter tries to blink the sudden tears out of his eyes. " Loki looked at the Avengers in battle positions ready to fight then he glanced at the brunette reporter and her camera man filming the whole thing, Steve/Captain America caught his gaze and moved in front of them with And the other Avengers. "Yes, Tony. " Steve winces and tries to relax through the shooting pain. His blood pressure was stable. I nodded. He couldn't turn around fast enough though. Still the suit. " He groans, rolling on his stomach in pain, hissing as his arm burns with agony. Iron Man may be living up life, enjoying his new friendship with Steve and the Avengers. " Natasha asked, hiding a yawn behind her hand. When Clint straightens from his perch on the arm of the sofa to ascertain whether anyone noticed his unbecoming twitch, Tony is careful to school his features into a neutral expression. " he said after taking a sip. "Make it fast, Agent Romanoff. " Friday answered. Paintball × OG Avengers = Furious Fury (fanfic) (short) 57. Tony wrapped his arms around Peter's waist and yanked him closer. Elli required too much attention for him to be constantly buzzed like her used to be. "You are not going. It was his duty to read all of the files of his team members. Sadly because of his popularity, he has to hide away from the paparazzi and fans, finding himself secluded cafes where he could feel "Untwist your panties, Captain – " Tony lost track of his own words as Steve heaved him back up to his feet with disgusting ease. Tony’s laid eyes on the man for all of 2 seconds and has already picked out a nickname. It continued from there, other food products, flowers, a t-shirt. . XOXO. ((a little over a thousand words on what was going through Nat's head concerning her evaluation of Tony as the Avengers unfolds)) No So I had seen everyone doing this '5 Times' stories and I wanted to try my hand while working on the sequel to Clint is Whom. He asked. "Well what's the plan Tony. When his eyes opened again, there was a note on his nightstand from May that read, "Had to work. Horrible visions of pain and the horrible admission that I couldn't make it stop. Steve felt every step, every jarring blow through his body. "Hurts, Cap," Hawkeye panted heavily, nerves and emotions too shattered to hide any longer. "Tony, we're coming to get you, stay awake!" Steve tried to reassure his friend, but they both knew that the Avengers had no idea how to rescue The memory of watching the Wakandan cryo-chamber freeze Bucky came back to him – and the pain in his chest he felt seeing Bucky lifeless returned, stealing his breath. His eyes briefly found the blood pouring from Peter's wound, the forceps sticking out unceremoniously. That is until an old enemy appears, threatening the life of Iron Man and forcing the Avengers to make some tough choices. But, that wasn't the worst part. NO SLASH - just bromance. "It said parent strand," Tony said to himself as he flew home. He was pretty sure he had completed all his latest missions within the parameters; he had even kept the snarky comments on the Comms to a minimum, something which had earned a raised eyebrow from the stoic Coulson at least twice. Works and bookmarks tagged with Emotionally Hurt Tony will show up in Emotionally Hurt Anthony DiNozzo's filter. Just felt like everything below his waist had vanished, leaving only a raw mass of pain behind. It's only when the team discovers that Tony is hiding something—someone, that it becomes clear they actually don't know Tony at all. His father must have heard his footsteps or the creak of the bed. He couldn't believe just how young the kid was. "I HATE YOU!" Peter screams. He moved his hand to Peter's back, trying to resist looking at what the doctor was doing. You are not doing this to us. Tony yelled startled and in pain as his eyes flew open while his nose broke. He sees light again. His head rolled uselessly to the side. " "How original," Clint muttered, checking the tips of his arrows. He needed to destroy it. Angry hands grab at his metal arm and yank. Tony's heart broke into pieces when Peter sobbed into his chest, his tears soaking his shirt. The last thing he saw would never leave his mind. Tony had a tendency to have fake, but realistic smiles. Still smiling Tony sat forward "Alright someone truth me!" The first feeling that came back to Tony was pain. I gotcha. It's me. Once Thor gently placed Tony on the bed he made sure to remove their shoes and socks before cuddling up to Tony on the nice soft bed. He thoughts were becoming muddled. "Steve!" Tony screamed, slapping his face hard. Tony got to his feet, trembling violently. That night Peter wrapped his arms around Tony's neck. yes Steve was sometimes a righteous pain Tony stared at the sleeping Captain for another moment before turning and heading to his own room with a small smile on his face. He was miles from the tower. At some point Tony thought that his body was a beautiful work of art his scars showed him where he had been and who he had become. Tony looks down over his partner who curled up against his chest on the couch, sleeping restfully, still recovering from the long surgery to put his belly back together. The next morning when Tony walked into the lab, he gave Bruce a big hug. Stark's corpse-colored body felt weightless. He sat up on his elbows, hissing when he felt the pain in his ribs –most likely cracked or broken- and looked around. It's the same one he's used at countless press conferences and board meetings. "Hey kid you're fine. Rogers and Barnes had kept his parents' reason for death a secret, they had fought, broken his suit, and left him to die in Siberia. Its basically about Tony Stark being very vunerable and weak and having very dark thoughts. Tony moved his gaze along the armor parts laid out on the bench before him, the majority of the suit hanging from the ceiling and awaiting So he hid, hiding away his emotions the way Tony Stark did best – by pretending nothing mattered. "Easy, Clint. I can wait. Locate his chip", Tony says worried and angry "Gunshot wound to the leg, Gunshot graze wound to the arm, gunshot wound to the abdomen. Then Bruce's stomach dropped to the ground floor. Without hesitation, Steve pulled the smaller man into his arms. "Let me getthose off. Everyone walks outside to see a very tall black man dressed like an Oscar statue. Peter opens his eyes hesitantly, and looks at Tony. I want to sleep. He always puts his phone into his left pocket by They know all of his triggers and have weaved themselves into the genius' broken heart. 15. Water was in his lungs and he still couldn't breath. Tony kissed Peter lightly on the lips, before stroking his pups hair. Not being able to hide his shock, Pepper explained to Rhodey that Tony barely drank anymore. If the concrete gave away it could crush Tony. "Tony! Tony!" Rhodey’s voice yelled over the coms, bringing Tony out of his frozen Tony squeezed his eyes shut tightly at the pain in his head and chest, though it was more prominent in his head. " "You had no right –" Tony began, his voice rising and his brows furrowing. A/N: Unlike Home is wherever I'm with you, this actually has a resolved ending. And no one was doing anything. Steve flinches in his sleep, a quiet groan falling from his lips, hands gripping the The other Avengers were spread throughout the large city, but Natasha's communication with them had been cut off a long time ago by a particularly hard smack to the head. "Honey, I'm not going anywhere. He sniffed loudly and tried to stifle his sobs, eventually turning into small whimpers as his body attempted to calm itself. Peter was never teen was sprawled across the floor, deathly pale except for a hot flush in his cheeks. "Stay still, baby. Their Captain hadn't been sleeping. With tears in his eyes, he slowly Tony loves going to cafes and restaurants. And yet Stark is there, hiding his wince, while his eyes never tear from Strange's moving fingers. I. " Thor closed his eyes and nodded his head in understanding. Pepper insisted. His hands were frantically shaking and clasping and unclasping as he waited for an answer. The CEO walked in greeting everyone and then settled down in Tony's arms. Broken ribs, Internal Bleeding", JACOSTA reports everything. At the back of his mind, he's impressed at how Stark handles the pain. " Tony continues to listen, his face going gray. By: Virodeil. After denting the wall with a sledgehammer, Tony picked up his helmet. That's why he kept them so secret. Tony looks up from the memory chip, too exhausted to be worried by the sound of a crumbling wall, and the Avengers (plus Pepper) are just staring at him. Emotionally Hurt Tony has been made a synonym of Emotionally Hurt Anthony DiNozzo. He heard the metal clanking against the cement and Peter didn't even flinch at the Anything major could be covered by Tony's 'clumsiness'. " As the lights faded away, Tony made his way to the elevator. " Thor pulled The first gift was left for Tony in his private rooms, and Tony knew it was from Bucky as soon as he walked into his rooms from the scent he'd left behind. "I'm going to the workshop. His heart rate dropped back down to normal, and he opened his eyes. Phil narrowed his eyes. Tony had a feeling he wasn't going to find a pulse if he even wanted to look. " "Give me your coordinates. Everything below his waist? Worriedly, he tried to raise his head, and was stopped immediately, strong hands pushing him down. "You're the best. but it is he that knits together the team. "I don't want to talk about it," Peter finally speaks up, his voice lacking its usual emotion. Sometimes that was all Bruce required to set his mind on a task, especially given his hostess had bent over backwards all day to not only run the company Tony had so graciously thrown in her lap, but also make family night a moment to remember. His arms had been wrapped around Bruce and Tony's shoulders, his feet dragging limply behind him. Tony whispered, pleading with the pain unveiled in his voice. We can't allow anyone to accompany Mr. The shouts could be heard from elevator. He could feel everyone else's pain. If he wants to contact Rogers, he will. "This does not look good. Tony walked through the living room, his eyes fixed on his tablet as he walked through to the kitchen. Thor quickly took control of the kiss and steadied Tony by putting his hands on Tony's hips. Tony placed his welding mask on the table and cautiously made his way over to the other man. He wanted all of Thanos' army gone, including Thanos. Clint closed his eyes slowly. Tony was worried enough for both of them anyway. He's a man with a plan. " "I love you too, Clint. By: RainInLondon. He returns to Earth intent on revenge, and nothing will stand in his way. Tony swears. R. What exactly had they done to you? I dont own the Avengers. Will be a 10 part Gibbs said but when Tony, instead of moving forward towards the table, took another step back Gibbs went over and grabbed his left arm, right above the wrist, causing Tony to gasp in pain. Jagged metal sparks and "LOKI!" Tony shouted in the robotic Iron man voice "Stop this right now, we beat you once with an entire army, we can beat you again alone. " Steve had finally calmed down from his embarrassment. Tony picked up the pen and signed in all the marked places, making quick work of the transfer, within the next half hour, Tony was once again CEO of If someone asked Tony when it all started, he wasn't quite sure he'd be able to pinpoint any one thing. " Bruce flew to Tony's side, yelling in his I'm-about-to-Hulk-so-back-off-voice to give Tony some room, and cradled his head as Tony thrashed. Longer fics would be appreciated! Only on ao3 please, my Kindle Paperwhite can't go on FF. Wrapped in his blanket, he let his eyes close, actually allowing the exhaustion to take him. I wouldn't. Tony doesn't attempt to hide it Ducky gave Tony a pill for the pain, which he grudgingly took after Gibbs had threatened to force it down his throat if he didn’t and then set to work. "He's such a handsome boy Howard. Thor ran to his friend's side, ordering Sif and Hogun to carry Fandral to the Healing Room and for Volstagg to run ahead and warn Eir of their approach. " "Sheesh, you're so angry all the time. Loki kidnaps Tony, and chaos and torture ensue. The Avengers may avenge the world, but they would destroy everything around them to ensure Tony's alright. Sunlight flickered through the window and Clint made his way to the training gym. Tony flew above him, helmet forgotten back at the ditch. Fortunately, it was. "I think that I would just cut the wire. As Tony stares, the kid remains Steve should've read the file. Tony frowned and removed his hand, realizing that even gentle hurt in Steve's current state. The light in front of his eyelids dimmed and fingers started gently going through his hair, avoiding the spot that ached quite a bit. Next mission he was using his own jet. He meets Steve at 7:06am outside the Tower, and Thor doesn't mind that Steve is six minutes late, but he can't help but think that they have met to run every morning for the past He stormed off to the lab and left the Avengers in shock, Tony never snapped. Steve trying to deny his feelings for Tony hides it all away through his temporary lover Bucky. Tony felt a little surprised at what he saw. Tony, on the other hand, They only talk about it in vague terms, but Tony now knows far more about the KGB and Natasha knows that Tony hides more than he lets on. Get up. I need something to read all night, after all. " Clint smiled weakly. Not a word in the papers ever suggested otherwise. PAIN! STOP PLEASE!—He shook his head sending those memories back to the dark corner of his mind where they belonged. "I don't really know what to say to you, I thought I would be going to prison," Bucky said halfway through the meal where Tony had been holding the silence only to see what the other would say. He was being hit hardly on the back and he Summary: Missing moments between Tony, Bruce, and Steve during "Avengers: Endgame. as he flew above the facility the Spidey-sense only grew until it was a sharp pain like tiny little needles poking at Tony gasped in pain as the bullet wound pulled. However, for Tony, currently, he not only had to watch as his eldest struggled for her life against acute radiation poisoning, but he couldn't even be there to hold her because she was in quarantine, because radiation poisoning. I love you, Tony. " "Daddy," the child sobbed hugging his dad. He had Tony. Through his pain filled mind, he thought of his wish. "I'm-" Tony grunted as a headache hit, but sat up none the less, "I'm fine, it was just an attack, it's happened before. A few seconds later he felt a burning sensation as they injected something into the IV they'd placed, and the pain receded almost instantaneously, his body slackening in relief. Steve's arm dropped so that it was looped around Tony. But Stephen dumps him after he finds out the Tony is putting himself in damage. They were laid in bed with their pups in a cot at the foot of the bed. He paused when he was within arm's reach of his teammate. Follow/Fav The Life of Tony Stark, Loki, and the Avengers. S. He was breathing as if he had just run a marathon, and he was sweating despite the immensely cold weather. "JACOSTA emergency vitals from Cap. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as he'd feared, and he did notice a slight decrease in the throbbing pain of his wound. Despite Thor's distress, he made no attempt to hide his contempt for the injured Jotunn. Blood fell from his lips as he wrapped his arms around his sides. , OC - Chapters: 27 - Words: 67,502 - Reviews: 452 - Favs: 2,011 You know how they get", he told him with a half-hearted shrug that didn't seem to reassure his friend in the slightest. "Wonderful!" Bucky said brightly dropping the plate back in front of him. He wondered if Steve was skilled at hiding his pain or if he was just too dense to pick up on it. Text me if you need anything. Turns out the guy had a sledgehammer and he wasn't afraid to use it. "Howard was my friend!" Steve argued, temper darkening every second. The sound of clicking heels on the smooth concrete hallway signalled Peppers arrival. " "We'll take it from here. " "'m tryin'," Tony says back, but his words are slurred with pain and he sounds out of breath. Once standing everything went wrong, Tony's peter hiding an injury; Rhodes and Peter; Happy and Peter; Sick Peter; Bookmarker's Notes. There was no way he was fit for active duty, not like this. 2. He went over to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He had his hands pressed against his ears, his eyes screwed shut in pain. "Don't worry, I'm fine, super soldier remember?" Tony lied through his teeth, he felt horrible, even though he was now a super soldier, he still felt pain, and his healing properties were not very good. "He didn't tell me about his birthday!"Tony said back, obviously a But I might need your help, if he's in a lot of pain still. Rhodey drank beer, Pepper a white wine, and Tony black coffee. That's what the world believes. Tony stops at that. "Oh, man, Cap, sorry!" he winced, helping the blond man to his feet. She's still a little sore that he sold it. "This kind of pain doesn't go. Steve groans when Bruce, normally quiet and reserved was bursting with questions. Clint Barton was as tough as they came. Peter just shook his head and tried to pull his hands from Bucky's grip wanting hide again, but Bucky wasn't having it and held firm causing Peter to whimper. " Tony answers as he pushes Spider-Man off his lap and to the ground. "Tony" Steve whispered. Collection of one shots of hurt Peter Parker, with Tony Stark and occasionally other avengers. He could try to hide it as much as he wanted, but the expression that Tony saw on his boyfriend's face was horror Steve insisted on it, said it was good for team building and camaraderie. Yes, he remembered why he was in pain. Having the help of an Asgardian who, like him, was used against his will. He tried to will his legs to respond but they weren't keen on the idea and remained unresponsive, which Steve found wholly unsurprising given the hole in his chest. "What do you want now Hammer? The little kid cried for his injured daddy, while Bruce was still in shock Tony managed to hide a kid from everyone. Won't do at all! So here's a sappy, fluffy, angsty, sappy (yes, that needs to be there twice) "extra" scene that likely never happened but oh well let's have fun and pretend it did. In fact, Tony hadn't been to a party since last year when Elli had come into their lives. " Tony had stopped vomiting and was breathing very heavily. Then Loki happened, and Natasha realized she might have been wrong. "Br-Bruce. Travis attempted to shove Tony out of his way and go through the door only to have Tony tackle the man to the floor and straddle his chest, raining punches onto the other man. "Rise and shine Anthony. He had to He reached out, fingers ghosting just barely over the crimson and violet skin and feeling the swelling beneath. Jarvis. They had been watching a movie, Tony actually upstairs, out of his lab and not working for once, and Bruce had commented on the science in the movie being rubbish. Steve blinked and then blinked again when he heard a familiar sound, before hurrying to the window to see that Iron Man had indeed just landed on the specifically designed landing pad for himself and for Rhodey, the machines whirring into place to start stripping the armour away from Tony, revealing the genius to Steve's wide eyes. Bruce silently thanked the CEO and stuck the syringe in Tony's mouth, flushing his stitches with the water. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Captain America/Steve R. Your Captain Steve is still uncertain, still out of time and Iron Man would be less than nothing – literally – without Tony and his genius. Well, this one has a rubbish summary so I shall try to explain better. So- let's finish this fight, and then go home. Bucky was his home, since the day he'd bulldozed his way through two bullies to save Steve's hide from a beating that probably would've put him in the hospital and Tony helped him climb up in the back of the truck and lie down on the stretcher. That way he knew to avoid certain things Not Tony. Tony looked as if someone shot him and refused to make eye contact with Pepper. Tony hated tin cans. " Fury's positive that she is purposely speaking to him in Russian. It has been easier than Tony thought, hiding his guest from Tony recommended, while keeping a steadying hand on Clint, who was panting through the pain in his shoulder and leaning more, and more weight on his brother. I'm trying to work. Tony laid his head on Steve's shoulder, then grasped at him, holding on for dear life. Steve's on his feet, hauling him up. As much as he hit the door though Tony knew for a fact they weren't going to open the door. Tony had fallen asleep from the brief relief of pain so Steve let him sleep and walked over to where the Avengers were congregating quietly in the kitchen. Throbbing, constant pain in many different places. Fantastic collection of Peter Whump fics. Pain. 5 times Natasha risked her life to complete a mission and the one time she wasn't good enough. "Start a revolution. D. Tony swore, voice hoarse. It had been almost a year since the whole Civil War incident and Bucky found himself more and more disillusioned with what Steve had become, and that didn It's like he said. "Rest now little one. Because Peter also cared for Tony, and this was his own way of protecting him. Most of allthey love him and he loves them. It was a certain thing that every time Tony was down here alone with his bots, they'd be regaled with a story from his childhood that always included him, because those were his happiest. "Gone!" he gasped, "It's gone!" He cried out as his frantic movements began to pain his still-healing ribs and arm. his legs up further. Loki looked awful, his eyes tearing, his nose leaking and his skin blue. His tongue against Tony's bottom lip, asking for entrance, to which the Avenger quickly granted by opening his mouth and allowing the Asgardian to probe his mouth. HI, I'm looking for any fics where Tony is sick/injured in some way, and hides it from the team. He didn't have to wait long before the sound of a twig snapping behind him made him lift his gaze away from his scope. Tony put everything he Tony could feel his heart shatter for the boy who lost his entire family. He's treating Kate like a kid, unable to see past her youthful face. The suit was a threat to him, was a threat to Tony. PenPatronus. Backing away from the door, Tony left HQ and started heading home with a new idea in his head. Peter immediately regretted moving his head because it sent a sharp, Almost every day he had some pain, but that was expected seeing as Yensin had to carve out some of his ribs and chest mucles to put it in. Parent tags (more general): NCIS (TV 2003) Mergers. Now for those who read Clint is Whom, I know you all have a lot of questions and sadly, they will not be answered till near the end of the squeal. They were beautiful, just like his mate. Tony startled and nearly drops his IPad before leaning over towards the bed, "hey buddy you back" Coulson begins gathering the medical crew as the three men manage to push the leg off of Stark. "Tony, you need to release the armor. He tries to hide the pain in his eyes but Peter can spot it from a mile away. —o— Once again Tony was hiding in his lab. Parker. Then, Tony looked down and saw the Avenger phone in his hand, knowing it had been real. His gurgled cry is cut in half as Steve's finger's dig deeply into the metal grooves and tear, separating the plates and tearing everything off from the bicep down. Two hours later, Steve was still asleep. A. You can't tell me what I can and can't do. Tony swears knowing Cap had been hit. Steve patted his shoulder and turned to the rest of the team. Prompt: The five times Peter Parker thought Tony Stark was hugging him and that one time he actually did. Natasha crouched beside him, wrapping a hand around one of his wrists. "I love you Peter mostly indulged Tony's over protectiveness, especially after Thanos. "Easy there, Soldier. " "It's ok, whatever it is I can handle it. "No, you're not. " A cold pit forms in Steve's stomach, "knows what. But he couldn't think of an excuse fast enough to be good enough for a Captain America in Mission Mode; Tony could feel his heart racing faster as he began to panic. Bucky Barnes jerked upright in his bed at Stark Tower, his breathing coming in harsh ragged pants and sweat pouring down his face. As in Captain America Steve Rogers. He started throwing up water, but hey, it was better than breathing it. Leave Tony alone, however, with access to a half-decent workshop and he'll revolutionize the world. Why was she so damn stubborn. Tony blinked awake, cautiously opening his eyes to look around. Tony grimaced, "it hurts now, but you're gonna be fine. " "COORDINATES NOW, ANTHONY. He pressed his face into my hair and I felt dampness against my scalp. Explosive pain rips through him as his arm rips partially off it's socket. Tony's sarcasm; Steve's constant orders an treating everyone as soldiers Insecure - Tony hides it behind sarcasm and masks; Steve hides it behind a mask of self-righteousness Genius - Tony in all senses of the word; Steve is a brilliant tactician Socially inept - both of their insecurities and Expect it wasn't Tony Stark in the kitchen, it was Steve Rogers. "Just breathe through it. " Tony shook his head, he couldn't think anymore. no doubt, checking to see if he was lying about being hurt. Includes hiding a stab Ezekiel was getting a number of things ready, lining up experts, and building a series of companies to root his way out of his previous line of work. , Iron Man/Tony S. A box of Tony's favourite chocolates had been left on the coffee table. Or, Tony is over protective and doesn't really care. So that he could break. Tony staggered to his feet and began to move towards the kitchen still shaking and with annoyingly irregular breathing. " Nothing to Do But Rest. "Uh. He still wasn't sure that he wasn't about to die. So, Loki gets taken back to Asgard, and everything is is getting back to normal. (mentions of child abuse, tony's secret kid) Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Captain America/Steve R. Loki's face twisted in pain, sweat beading on his forehead. Occasionally, a servant of his father's would spare him a pitying glance or two, or his mother would whisper reassurances in his ear of peace and a life without beatings and pain. He becomes Tony's safe haven Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - [Captain America/Steve R. Fury thinks Natasha should have known better than to come into his office right he has had to deal with Tony Stark for eight hours. Sorry but the beginning was mostly written long before "You are not my dad. His jaw was locked as he tried to stop himself from yelling out. breaking the skin. "Y-Yeah. His mother would have to come in and sit with him till he fell asleep most nights and his dad pretended not to notice how frail his son really was. That ToDo list wasn't going to finish itself. "Better?" Tony asked, still hovering next to him. (And Tony would do the exact same thing for them). Tony's arms went around his shoulders again, and Loki wrapped his arms tight around Tony's chest, tucked his head in the crook of Tony's neck, (and it bent his back at an uncomfortable angle but he ignored that) and he enjoyed, for the first time in a very long time, the sensation of belonging. The Avengers sit back and watch her tear herself apart but eventually they will all break. Bruce is sipping down his chamomile tea when the bright light of the Bifrost fills Tony’s balcony. face screwing up in pain as his side was agitated by the movement. Stark Men are made of iron, his father used to say, and Tony learned it the hard way. Despite his best efforts, a slight kneeing noise escapes him anyway. He The genius carved tally charts into his skin, where he could hide them under his clothes, keeping record of the lives lost due to him. Everyone collapsed onto the couches. Tony grins and steps up his game, trains for hours and makes sure to be in his best condition, while he does what everybody expects him to Before anyone could move, Peter was screaming in agony, panting heavily as he tried his best to control the pain he felt. But Tony Stark was rotting away on the inside. He didn't want to worry Tony or cause him any more stress, which is why he mostly did all of the Super Dangerous Stuff Tony Would Disapprove Of, in secret. Iron Man is a robot. Tony chooses to think differently, see the little details, in the aftermath of the Battle of New York. Bruce took Tony's silence as his queue and started massaging Tony's back lightly. The cold air that whipped Steve's face as Thor rushed him to the helicarrier wasn't unwelcome. Easy, Tony. " Peter was trying to sound brave, even though his fear was starting to intensify. Chapter One. They were his life. He did a quick inventory of his body, mild to severe concussion, accompanied by heavy bouts of nausea. His face was a mask of pain and worry for his science buddy. Rhodey and Roger raced over "Tony!" they yelled By then Tony had dropped the folder and was staring at his hands in Just a one shot that I have been thinking of so finally decided to write. He wove the spell to grow the life within him and used an illusion to hide it from the guards and other prisoners. Thor is the first to notice something's wrong. Simple. Steve is immediately at his side. Hands all over him. Steve held him tighter. So Steve kneeled down next to his husband and pressed the ice cubs lightly around the arc reactor. Then, pain. Clint finally gathers what he needs and makes it to the checkout. I am going to feature some slashy ones, mostly to embarrass them. There was a silent pew and a pain on the back of is head Oneshot. He's about to tell Tony to stop when a warm, relief washes over him. "Save and shut down. Natasha's opinion on Tony Stark when she turned in her personality evaluation caused him to be scrubbed from the planned roster. But just like his facade it was lies, lies, all lies. Jarvis assemble the Avengers in Loki's cell. Betrayal, pain, angst, and yaoi ensue in this story. He hides behind his words, but his ministrations are building the trust they will all need to rely upon. In another universe, Tony Stark is hiding behind a mask of an iron-hearted man, secretly trying to pick up what is left of a disemboweled team that once had been his family. Not a good idea, since his head swims, but he keeps his posture. he released his grip on the table to gesture to his nose. Tony hated doctors and their egos, posturing like they where gods in ugly white coats. Usually Tony would hide in his I'm not sure where the palladium poisoning begins but it's somewhere before chapter 10 and thereafter Tony just hides everything and is incredibly suicidal and sad and he just got a Whumped Tony, hiding injuries fic search. I hope everyone enjoyed it. It's not Tony's fault that Loki got turned into a big, black cat. "I would have been there if –" "Yeah, yeah, if you hadn't been so wonderfully heroic and saved America and all that is freedom and greatness," Tony finished, his tone laden with sarcasm, his eyes dark. A record of the innocent civilians Clint Barton & Tony Stark Friendship; Avengers Family; Protective Avengers; Avengers Feels; Summary. Peter doesn't so much as move, let alone make an effort to explain himself. The Stark family butler. Hawkeye already is a full agent, but Tasha hasn't joined them yet. With a deep breath, Tony runs both his hands through his hair. As Helen extracted the bullet, Peter held back a yell, burying his head in Mr. Another burst of pain flared in his left leg, and he roared at the outstretched arm of the suit. Follow/Fav 50 Shades of Tony. Now he was part of a team, The Avengers. Tony climbed in too, taking a seat on the trunk of supplies against the ambulance wall. But with Tony by his side, he'd never be alone in the dark ever again. After the first active decision to hide his bruises and strained muscles from that made him want to shiver despite the pain, and his fingers tended to linger longer than the medic's ever did. I'm lighter. Peter woke up to feel absolute terrible. Thor went back to Steve, and took five minutes to walked back to the kitchen to refill the compress. And Tony had often seen Loki's face screw up in pain when he walked or moved suddenly and had purposefully kept him from doing any strenuous activity because of it. He barely wasted a moment before he jumped to his feet and ran to Peter. Thor brought them up to Tony's room because he thought it would be the most familiar place for Tony to make his nest. Tony, are you alright?" All Tony could do was shake his His phone buzzes against his left leg, and Peter bites down so sharply on his tongue in pain blood immediately pools into his mouth. Strange has never tried this kind of healing, even to himself, but he doesn't have to experience it to know it hurts, hurts more than being impaled. " Tony yawned, stumbling his way past the battered and broken chunks of machinery that decorated the alley where he had been trapped in. It's the date of a mandatory fitness test with every member of the Avengers. Ok, so, my 9th fanfic in less than a year. Sadly I do not own the Avengers "Has anyone seen Clint?" asked Natasha as she silently walked into the large room where Bruce, Tony, Thor and Steve were watching the new large expensive television, the old one had to be replaced after a game of Mario Cart between Thor and On closer inspection, Tony noticed that Steve's skin was pale with dark circles under his blue eyes. Which is why they don't understand why Pepper still works for Tony or why Fury lets him do whatever he wants. No, what happened was more like a culmination of moments, each one little yet significant, that finally built together to create something different, something new, and something he'd never expected to find. The second thing that flowed back was his memories. Family. " Tony nodded, then smiled gratefully when Natasha handed him a cup of fresh coffee. He tilted his head out of the way to give Tony's more room and sighed once more. Tony, caught off-guard at first by Thor's lesson on how to grow beards, recovered quickly, put on his best face of feigned hurt and then said, with his hand over his chest: "Why, Thor Odinson, thee hath hurt my feelings in a horrible and heartless manner and now I feel compelled to retreat to my workshop to wallow in my dishonor. – there were about 15 hours left of his Iron Alert. , Iron Man/Tony S "F. Five time's the Avengers wanted Tony to be silent, and the one time they hope he doesn't. Loki/Peter brother relationship. Somehow managing to hide all the pain she was in. He was clutching his stomach with one hand and Steve could see that two of the fingernails were missing, the whole area surrounded by dried blood. No, the worst part was the fact that it was burned into his mind. So Tony kind of wants to cry, because it's been a rough four days. Tony locked his eyes with the young hero and sighed "Only you could get into trouble in your own house" ONE HOUR EARLIER. " "But Tasha-" "No. Better known as the guy who was supposed to be in hiding, or better known as the guy who slammed his shield into a person Peter considered family. Pain; Emotional/Psychological Abuse; Dark fic; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; You Have Been Warned; Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark (2712) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (849) The heart monitor beat a strong steady pace, slow and assuring, the only sound within the room apart from the soft rasping of breath. They mother him. His head leaned on Tony's chest and he groaned softly as he was jostled. ~AV~AV~AV~AV~AV~AV~AV~ And with that, his faceplate closed, and he swept Peter up into his metal arms, headed toward Avengers Tower. His movements were halting, but he was disguising his pain well enough. Tony Stark, an 18-year-old genius attending SHIELD Academy, Peter whipped around and saw the Tony landing on the roof behind him in the Iron Man suit. "I know. Peter jumped at the suddenness of it, having been shifted to the ground from Tony's arms, but still with an arm around his Moving hurts, so he winces, and he's sure his face shows the sudden pain, because Tony moves, a tiniest bit, as if he was going to get up. Although he would never admit it- he had never been the sentimental type- a sense of family was quickly growing within the Avengers and Tony couldn't bring himself to be annoyed about it. 1. "Captain Rogers has gone into hypovolemic shock, sir," Jarvis informed him. Bullet wound?" Tony hears another gunshot and Steve gasp in pain. His lips blue and eyes closed, his face was screwed up in agony. You should feel some relief in a few seconds. "Fuck," Tony mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. He couldn't allow the Avengers to know that Iron Man could feel pain. Either way, this fanfic is really overdue and well, I only have enough spare time so I hope I did justice for this. Pepper stood next to him, holding the A/N: I noticed the last time I posted/updated something was in February, and that just won't do. owkx dvkqnx pxu mmd lgluy isgoa vmz bgqhw wtcbtin lxokmh
